How To Help Your Toddle Learn Before Entering Preschool

Of course, your little toddler will learn things naturally, just by waking up every morning. However, you may be wanting to enrich his or her learning experiences with things you plan yourself. From activities that your child can do alone to activities with other children, here are some ideas that might assist you in helping your toddler to learn new things before entering preschool:

Solo Learning Activities - Think of settings found in a formal educational setting.

  • For example, have a special place that is designated for your child to look at books. Of course, this doesn't mean that you won't be reading to your child, also. However, by having a book nook and a designated time for your child to just cuddle up with picture books, he or she will be learning that books are friends.
  • Think of having play stations, too. In one area of your house, set up toys that are not only fun but educational as well. Don't forget things like nesting cups, puzzles, and building blocks.
  • Set up a craft area, too. Just have plenty of supplies at your child's disposal. For example, have modeling clay in a tray and then have lots of paper and paints for your toddler to make his or her own creations.

Activities With Others - Your child will probably love joining other children for fun. However, consider that including other adults can be part of your child's learning experiences, too.

  • Consider being part of a pre-school play group that mixes fun with learning activities. Think of keeping the number of children to about five so that each parent will be responsible for one day a week.
  • Another idea is to go on different field trips. Naturally, children's museums are a great place to visit. However, visit art galleries and grown up museums, too. And, be creative in your field trips. For example, your group can visit the bakery at your local grocery store and maybe even get to decorate cupcakes to take home with them.
  • Think about enrolling your child in a formal preschool. The instructors will be trained to help your child interact appropriately with other children. In addition, it may be a very good thing for your child to learn from another adult. The preschool environment will also prepare your child to enter kindergarten.

Don't forget to include your toddler in your plans. You might be very surprised at the great suggestions that come out of his or her mouth. Contact a school like The Cottage School for more information and assistance. 
